Invisible Clock II Features
12 Alarms - set up to 12 Daily Alarms to beep or silently vibrate at various times during the day. Once set, these alarms signal each day at the same time. Auto button protection prevents accidental erasure of alarms.
Countdown Timer - set to alert once or to repeat itself, silently vibrating or beeping at any interval you choose for as long as you like. Set it for a countdown as low as 3 seconds, or as high as 999 hours. Saves the last time you used.
Custom Timer - set for any countdown time from 3 seconds to 60 minutes, and set up to 6 unique alerts to signal anywhere within the countdown time. Set for a single countdown, to repeat over and over, or to count-up after countdown completes.
Meeting Timer - silently vibrates at the halfway point, again five minutes before time's up, and at time's up, for any time of meeting (each vibration is distinct so you know exactly where you are along the way) it then automatically resets for the next meeting.
Stopwatch - times to the hundredth of a second. Can be stopped and restarted where you left off or the display can be paused while the stopwatch continues to count.